If you received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, congratulations! He now lives in your heart and you have received eternal life.
Now it is important that you grow in your faith and in your journey with God:
1. Tell several people that you have received Jesus Christ – not only will this one simple act give you a spiritual growth spurt, but it will give them an opportunity to receive Jesus too;
2. Be baptized by immersion, according to Matthew 28:19 and Acts 2:38 – in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and in the Name of Jesus Christ;
3. Find a powerful, enthusiastic church that preaches the Bible without compromise, and attend it regularly;
4. Seek earnestly to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and power – which is a glorious experience accompanied by the speaking in tongues as in Acts 1:5-8 and 2:1-4;
5. Obtain a Bible (digital or paper,) and read it daily – if you read 3 chapters a day you will complete it in a year;
6. Pray daily – set aside a special time of your day for you and God, and also pray throughout the day (talk to God as if He’s your friend;)
7. Refrain from old sinful habits like bad language and substance abuse – avoid the places and people who discourage your faith;
8. Make Christian friends that build you up and encourage you – they need you as much as you need them!