Prayer to Receive Jesus

Would you like to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior? 
To receive Jesus, you must do so by faith. Just repeating a prayer or some words like these will not save you. But if you truly and sincerely reach out to God with simple and childlike faith, He will save you, wash your sins away in the blood of Jesus, give you eternal life, and Jesus will enter into your heart.

You may pray this following prayer as a guideline:

“Dear God,

I am a sinner. 
I cannot save myself. 
I need a Savior, and Your Name is Jesus. 
Thank You God that You came to earth to reach me and to save me. 
Forgive me of all my sin and wash me clean with the precious blood of Jesus,
I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus died and rose again. 
I further declare that Jesus is my Lord from this day forward forever. 
You are my only God.
I open my life to you. Lord Jesus, come live in my heart. Please give me the power of Your Spirit that I may live righteously. 
Thank You for giving me eternal life, and that when I die I will meet Jesus and live in heaven with You forever. 


Praise the Lord, and congratulations!

for "What to do after receiving Jesus," click here
"He who has the Son has life..." (1 John 5:12.)