Family Oupa Dyason and Ouma Beatrix Hitchcock Farm Excelsior

 I had the joy to visit my grandfather's farm recently, and had some wonderful memories!

This is "Oupa Dys" holding me on his shoulders behind his house around 1969. Beautiful overlook

Almost 50 years later, the place is dilapidated, and no one lives here anymore. This is approximately the spot where Oupa Dys held me on his shoulders. 

Same lawn. 

I remember this tree very well. It is a Silk Floss Tree, with thorns all over its bark, trunk, and branches, with brilliant, pink flowers. This is on the front lawn. 

The front lawn. I have a piece of the porch (stoep) made of slasto rock. 

My cousin Galilee (nee Hitchcock) Guess and I caught frogs in this little pond almost 50 years ago. 

I took this photo through the window. I remember sleeping in this room, and hearing my grandfather pray passionately, as Oupa Dys and Ouma Beatrix held their devotions. 

The dirt road to and from the farm. 

A gate to enter the farm. 

Another gate. 

My kids Trey, Rebekah, Timothy (left to right), with their cousin Jonathan Hitchcock, then my oldest son Anthony, after they were all bitten by ants. The car was locked, but they were safe from the ants. 

My uncle John Dyason Stephen Hitchcock opening the gate for us.