Healing Power in the Atmosphere


Healing Power in the Atmosphere


So, I was praying for the sick, one by one, by the laying on of hands. Now I will tell you about how God healed someone just as he walked past the meeting.

As I was praying for the people, a half-drunk man stood before me. He did not appear like the street drunk. He seemed quite intelligent, and spoke English quite well. However, with bewilderment in his eyes, he asked that we pray for his daughter. But first, he said, “I know God is among you!”

He said, “I was walking by, and saw all these people. I wondered why all these people had gathered together. Then I saw that it was a church meeting. Ahh, I am not interested in the church. I just kept on walking past…”

As he continued walking, he felt a pop on his leg. He looked down, and saw that the boil that he had on there (for I think two years) just popped open. The puss ran down his leg. He wiped it up, and there was only a little mark left where the boil had been. This boil had not healed up in about two years. It never ripened enough, and he always had this ugly thing on him. But when he walked into the zone where the tangible power of God was, he was instantly and completely healed.

You know, this is a remarkable miracle. I will tell you the rest in a minute, but for now just consider the circumstances. He was drunk. He had no interest in church. Nobody prayed for him. I did not lay my hands on him. I did not pray a fervent prayer over him.

Yet, just by walking into the atmosphere where Jesus was working, he was healed! The Bible says, “And the power of the Lord was present to heal them” (Luke 5:17, NKJV.) What does this mean? I believe that there was an aura of power, of divine healing power – the tangible power of God, that permeated the very atmosphere where Jesus was present. This power is still wherever Jesus is. And, where is He? He is in you and me! Wherever we go, Jesus is in us, and we can expect people to be healed by the tangible healing power of God!

Now let me tell you the rest of the story…

A few years later, I received a letter. I think I still have that letter somewhere, but this week I looked all over my old filing cabinets, and have not found it yet. The letter says something like this:

“Dear Evangelist Joel Hitchcock. I greet you in the wonderful Name of Jesus. I do not know if you will remember me, but I was the drunk man who came to your meeting when you were in such and such a town. When I walked by your meeting, I was healed of the boil that had been on my leg for such a long time. I want you to know that I am still healed. I asked you to pray for my daughter. You prayed for her (from a distance.) When I got home, I found my daughter healed! Also, I want to tell you that I am now a pastor myself, with a church of my own! Yours sincerely, Pastor…”

Obviously, this is not verbatim, but I believe that memory serves me well enough to get close to the message I read in his letter!

Look at God! Look what the Lord hath wrought! A drunk man, disinterested in church and God, walks by a miracle healing meeting. He is instantly healed. His daughter (who is not even present at the meeting) is healed. He changes his ways. He becomes a man of God.

This story illustrates how very real the power of God is. That is why I call it tangible power