Entire communities and regions have experienced
visitations of God throughout the course of history. These visitations have turned whole
populations and geographic locations back to Him and are commonly known as revivals
and great awakenings.
Joel Hitchcock believes that God will do it
again. To facilitate His next
visitations, He will use whomever He wills - including young people.
These young people are the Young Fires that
will spark the fires of revival and spiritual awakenings in our communities
Previously published in 1999 under the title, The
End Time Revival and Great Awakening, this book is one of Joel Hitchcock’s
first publications.
In it, Joel recounts some of the revivals and
great awakenings of the past. It will
stir your soul. If God could do such
amazing works in times gone by, He can do it again.
The book is now repackaged, re-edited and retitled
to Young Fire - End Time Youth Revivalists for the Great Awakening, for
the express purpose to encourage young people to be the catalysts for the next
moves of God.